bunny money saving tip number 2: Toothpaste
okay, so we already had the home job buzz cut thread... here. (i will be taking before and after pics btw :p)
and now i bring you yet another bunny money saving tip - and economically scaled, this is a good % of the purchase price of another bunny or performance parts for (who am i kidding, replacement parts to repair!) your existing bunny wip, if done consistently throughout an entire year! i give you... the Toothpaste Piggy Bank! There's money in that thar toothpaste tube you're throwing out before it's completely spent!!:p:laugh: The way i figure it, a good tube of toothpaste goes for what... like $2 these days... and should last the average person, using 2-3times/day, what - about a month? well, let's say you can squeeze an extra 3 days out of each tube with it with this "mod"... let's run the numbers: normal use = 12 tubes/year at $2 = $24 modified use = 1 tube per 33 days, = 365/33 = $11.06 tubes/year - let's say 11 even, for arguements sake.:p That's a $2 annual savings!!! Just think of the junkyard possibilities you could score for $2!!!:laugh: anyways, here's a pic for you "how to" visual type learners of my Toothpaste Waste reduction mod: no need to spend that first year's savings on a knife either... i just simply bit this fucker open with the teeth i've been keeping clean! then ripped 'er good, and let my toothbrush penetrate 'er niiiiice and deep to make sure i hit the p-spot. (paste) :laugh: you too can do this!! anyone can!! it's just THAT easy folks!:p Last edited by vw_dick : 20-04-2004 at 09:55. |
WOW! Now I can go and save money for my new headgasket! It'll only take like 15 years :-)
Hahaha.. BUT i can cut the time by not brushing three times a day, but only ones (but continues through the day).. that will save me about $6
10 jaar 'Het Polo86(c) Register' 1999-2009
Geld moet rollen*
*maar dan liefst wel mĂ*jn kant op!
And wait: Here's when the girlfriend comes in handy: steel, oh, ehmz, sorry: 'use' your girlies toothpaste, shampoo, and hairgel. Just DON'T over do it: keep your own stuff in the bathroom,. use your own stuff when she's around,.. but when she's not...
I have really really nice and shiny hair, because I'm worth it :-) Ah: Little tip: Don't use her gilette.. The thought that she's probably using your's is bad enough
10 jaar 'Het Polo86(c) Register' 1999-2009
Geld moet rollen*
*maar dan liefst wel mĂ*jn kant op!
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