assenwipen tour 2010
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01-06-2010, 21:14
VW Addict
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 603
for anyone who is too lazy to google it!
honour to david!
we had a really good coffee
we thought: lets see some cars->lets go !
we met another legend!
the colnel! salut! pauly would you please be so kind to explain tho the unknown why the colnel is a legend?
next day
forummeet from the in schieffling!
the worst "made" car i think i have seen there
and one of the best
we went up to the pyramiedenkogel
where we expected to meet all the volksforum members, i sported my shirt of course, but no game.
i talked to forumssponsor "ruut" and talked to him briefly..nice to meet you
rally golf *anbet*
we hooked up with the americans again
cool gang
shortly later we had to leave from the wörthersee to make it to our next destination-------->back to the motherland!
but thats a tale told tomorrow
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