we did a 18 pack /night on everage, lol no wonder that i got fat again...
hello guys!
we had a party yesterday and i missed to update, sorry!
we made our way to siux falls and grabbed some burgers as usual when i saw this pristine rabbit
after a small drive we crossed the next state border and entered minnesota
there was a lot more corn there!!!
we went on and entered wisconsin
my bro loved the school busses
that was a big pumpkin
the goal was to reach chicago
when in chicago one has to vsit the ex-sears tower
we drove into chicago went up the tower down again and out of chicago in under 90min....
took a place to sleep snce we couldnt manage to reach steveĀ“s (old guy) place, too bad
we slept in gary, really irritated by the friggin toll roads where we spend all together 25$.
we also saw the crazyest road sing ever, it said:
-hit a road worker 10000$ fine+ 14 years prison!
i need to get sober now....until tomorrow