it took me a while to upload the frst half of the pix (sorry), but i am gonna start my travel report here and now
from the first time i saw the c2c webside that lucky put up i knew i just had to do it (i think it was about march 09)
so told my brother that i would need a co pilot and asked him if he would be interrested.
at first he was like: oh no, i can never affford that!
after some brute calculations on my budged and my ablity to cut out "real life" i decidet to make him the offer:
you have to save up 1000$ for pocket money, i´ll pay everything else!
he was like
and so the decision was made to go to the US.
i saved on everything, even food for 4 months and drove my beloved mk1 from norway 1000 miles to winterstorage in germany
2 days later we took the planes from berln-frankfurt and then frankfurt-seattle (all together 14 hours).
we arrverd safely in seattle where had planned to try to rent a vw, at the airport then the "+ߧ hit the fan: non of the rental companys had a car
none, nada, niema, nitshewo, garnichts
with no ride we took a indish guys cab and he drove us to the first of many motels on this vacation, of course he imediately sr##ed us 20$ for 5 miles driving.
hotel room was smelly but ok, like most of the motels on our trip.
we began exploring seattle:
but my bro becam soon fed up of riding the bus
after some walking around we found a avis station where we took the 1 ( ! )
available car.
the (un) mighty corolla!
we met simon (2mAn) the first time this evening and took some cold ones wtih him
somehow we have been too exited to meet someone that we totally forgot to take pix this evening
of course we didnt want to be seen in a stock corolla so we started to decorate that thing
we met simon again in the evening and took us out drinking and partying, he took so many pix that we felt that we dont need to..
hint hint
we woke up and hit the road to montana
we drove to spokane bought a new map got a steak (i mistook horseraddish for sour cream) with free nostrels we drove on and arrived in
kalispell in the middle of the night....
next morning we managed after some hours of calling and wondering (a little crying was involved too) to make contact with stanton (handsome bastid)
after some searching we actually managed to find the place and lucky and the others :-D
of course we needet some more booze and while i was inside buying the stuff the guys on the outside got creative
custom flamejob by handsome bastid ftw
notice the "free" sign in the window you are gong to see that again much later
more tomorrow