10-11-2008, 22:17
VW Enthousiast
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 209
Well guys, this is a week that I have waited for a long long time. This weekend the car is going into the paint booth =)
I am using these last days for the last minute job. Today I have stripped the bonnet and the hatch. First I used a paint stripper.
After some minutes it looked like this..
And some hours later working with the grinder, it looked like this..
Tomorrow I am going to "shoot" primer, and wednesday I'll shoot the last layer with füller.
I also went to the painter tonight and picked up the paint sample. The paint is so incredible flatt!! =) JUST AS I WANTED!!
This is taken with blitz on, and it is impossible to get ANY reflections at all from it
Modified by DrLaban at 9:52 PM 11-10-2008