26-09-2008, 21:59
Forum Newbee
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 3
Originally Posted by MellyVille
I absolute love this car... It was a long time ago that someone built a mk1 that makes my heart go faster...
Swallow part, hate it... sorry... doesn't look like original and in my opinion, while you were at it, you should have done better! no hard feelings...
Wow... what a ride!
thanks for the compliments mate, dont know how you can say you hate it, just because it dont look exactly the same as an original i think it looks pretty funky, i could never get it exactly right from a big light panel.
WOW is right, damn impressive mate.. love the swallow. the fact that you made your own takes away every right anybody could ever bitch about demolishing the original bla bla bla.. love everything about it, although the wheels wouldn't have been my choice.
that sort of answers the above
cheers mate
WOW! amazing!
u got airride
yep on bags
mapable ignition megajolt crank sensor throttle position sensor
absolutely awesome..got some pics of the back of the engine?
thanks,only these
Awesome MK1 you build there.
thanks i did draw up a rough schematic when i did it but if i showed you one you probably wouldnt be any better off as it would only make sense to me as i only did the drawing to work out how mant wires to run and where.
many thanks for rest of your kind words