Thread: american rabbit
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Old 20-07-2004, 12:59
bartman bartman is offline
VW Fanatic
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 463
Talking american rabbit

hello I'm wonderering if somebody knows of a nose( wings,lights,welded slotplate,...) of a rabbit(75-84) can be placed on an european golf1 or jetta. And can somebody sell me this goodies. I'm living in belgium(europe) and the parts are not availleble overhere.Also I'm looking for a braun or beige interior of a rabbit(steer, seats,...,everything) It must be for a 4doors.Or perhaps a whole car?? but what would that cost to get the car in Belgium??
Is there someone maybe in Europe or England with such a car 4 sale??
thx anyway greetzzz bartman
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