*Big update*
A lot was done this week. Started working on the body.
Still looking good, but I found out that the left rear corner has been changed.
It was not 100% in place so I am going to change both corners and the rear panel.
I also found this. Previous owner had tried to hide this under some paint
Friday the parts I ordered from California wednesday arrived. Pretty fast delivery to Norway as always, 3 days!!
Yesterday I cut out all the rust from the channel. Luckely the heater channel was as good as new
And after som work it was finished
Also started on the rear. Cut out the rear panel...
As you can see, the right corner wasn't to good
The first corner changed and this time it's where it should be. It was a helluva job to get it right *puuh*
And today everything was in place and the rear complete again
As you can see, I also got my new bumpers today
I am going to modify the brackets a bit, more info 'bout that later.
Then I started cleaning this
Almost ready to weld it in place.
First layer with bondo..
That's it for today. I'll continue working with this tomorrow...