Thread: Gol German
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Old 19-03-2008, 20:15
FDL FDL is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 61
Exclamation Gol German

Well, as promised, here is the post about my project.

The original car is/was a VW Gol CL 1.6 1991. At this year the "Autolatina" was still on, so "unfortunatelly" my car came with a pieceofcrap 1.6 CHT engine (a French (PUG, I think) engine that was bought by Ford in the 70's or 80's). So my car is a VW with a Ford engine that was designed by PUG...
Well, since I'm not going to use it, to hell with it...

This is how I bought the car, about 2 months ago:

Not in the best shape, but the REAL shape was beneath the carpet...

The only two lil' problems:

It took me about a year to find it, but was worth the long wait...

Last week the cage was finished:

And with it I bought some stuff:

Why would I want AIR when you can have extra-power!!!!

LOL, yeah, well, this dash was kind of "rebuilt" with fiberglass... but since I took it in a good deal, that's not a problem. Other than that, I'm thinking of closing the other side... kind of a clean look for the interior...

Anyone interested in buying rear RECARO seats???

The RECAROS (this is not how I'll use 'em, I'll change those fake leathers):


Central console that'll be modified

Well, this project will take a LONG time 'cause I've to work part-time and study all together. I'll need some advices about something I'm planning... but that will come in the right time...

For now, thats all folk's...
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