04-05-2007, 11:44
Volksforum Aandeelhouder
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 6,884
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Gumball 3000 is very saddened to announce a road accident which occurred yesterday, May 2nd, involving a participating vehicle and a local vehicle in Macedonia. Exact details are still filtering through, but below are the facts as of midday May 3rd 2007 issued by the Macedonian authorities.
An adult Macedonian male aged 67 died in hospital from a heart attack following the incident where the two cars collided. The participants in the rally were held in custody last night with a preliminary court judgement expected today.
Organisers of the rally would like to express its deepest condolences to the family of the victim for this tragic accident.
Maximillion Cooper, founder of the Rally says: "It is with extreme sadness I have to make an announcement of this nature in the events nine year history. The event is organised with each local authorities support and permission, and drivers are under strict stipulation to abide by the laws and road regulations of the country they are driving through. It is extremely sad for this unfortunate accident to have occurred. I am informed that the incident was reported immediately by the drivers. Both drivers are extremely traumatised by this occurrence."