22-04-2004, 10:11
VW Enthousiast
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 272
Originally Posted by sjampoo
4 wheeled car:
1986'ish VW Polo CL
1300cc 55hp
2-tone red/yellowish
abt 60mm closer to the street
bought for 100 euro's (yes really)
1933'ish 2 bedroom cornerhouse
270'ish square meters of land
100'ish square meters roofed livin' space
2-tone blue/white
Small garage ( 4,5 m x 2,5 m, but I drive small cars, atleast 1 will fit)
Survived WorldWar2, but granade impact damage visible underneath roof
'up town'
fmv => what the 'fuck me value'?
we bought it for nearly 200.000 euro's (yes really)
So whereas the car was shit-cheep, the house's ain't, but still: quite normal prices I think. I couldn't affourd another house in the neighborhoud
wow - great deal on that car!
just needs a wee bit bigger powerplant.
1933ish, eh? ours (my parents) is 1969 and getting "older" for the neighbourhood... 1933ish would be considered a VERY old house here - there are very very very few decrepit old pos places that are 100years old+. then there are a few that are ~80+years old and completely restored too. we don't typically build houses & roofs out of materials that will last that long - they all rot, eventually, and get knocked down & replaced.
200k euros - that's a lotta dough. however, if that's the value the area is then that's what it is, eh?
fmv = fair market value.. ie what would that house typically sell for now? & did you get it for more or less than fmv. (depending on the area, obviously, places go for well under or well above fmv for various reasons) then there's "assessed value" that you pay property taxes on - is that also 200k euros? (av) & what sort of annual property taxes do you have to pay? (if any, perhaps you don't pay a fee like that there)
heh - just curious about real estate elsewhere as well.