Vond dit net in mn PB box.....lkkr zeg hoe krijgen ze t voor elkaar!
Private Message: FROM MISS GRACE
11-04-2006, 17:19
Forum Newbee Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 0
Dearest One .
However strange or surprising this contact might seem to you as we have not met personally or had any dealings in the past. I must apologize forintruding into your private email address, but I humbly ask that you take due consideration of its importance and immense benefit it will be to you.
Briefly, I am a Sierra Leonean National and the Daugther of late Dr Paul Williams. Until his death , my Father was the General overseer of the Diamond Mine in Kamena Sierra Leone . On April 6th 2000 the military forces royal to the Government of AHMED TIJAN KABBAH invaded the diamond mine and assassinated my Father, mistaking him for his brother MICHAEL Williams who is the deputy of the leader of the Revolutionary United Front ( RUF) FODAY SANKOH. When the news reached me, I hurried gathered some valuables in our family villa and escaped for my dear life in the company of my only Brother Daniel.
Among the valuable was a file that contained details of a deposit my father made in a security company in Abidjan Cote d’Ivoire Here. He deposited ($15million US dollars) contained in a trunk box in my name as the next of kin. As containing family valuables money he made from the sale of Gold and Diamonds during his time as the General overseer, now that we are in Abidjan and verified the transaction, we need your assistance to move this funds out of Cote d’Ivoire for investment in your country as we cannot invest here due to its nearness to our country and the war still going on there. We ask you to scout for a viable and lucrative business, so that we can invest wisely. We have it in mind to give you 10% of the total sum( $15 million US Dollars ) , and 15% share in any investment we will embark upon if you assist us. We will also set aside 5% of the funds for ancillary expenses which you will make in course of this trnasaction –fax messages, phone calls, air tickets etc.
This fortune we have revealed to you should remain confidential as it only you who we have told about it. The phone number below belonges to the pastor who we lodge in his house who also knows about this transaction, so that your messages will be confidentially received. You can always call me through this telephone number +22505181444 for futher directives. reply to my yahoo mail box for security reasons:
Note that this transaction is risk free.
Best regards
Grace Williams.