Ben er meteen mee aan de slag gegaan, en heb er ook meteen wat meer werk aan besteed want:
Het is echt een waaaaan foto Jalke, dikke
140223HS_VF_contest_Jalke_Brouwer_001.jpg by
just Herm, on Flickr
What i did:
- start out with hitting the "auto"-button in the "basic-settings"
- change the complete settings after that
- overall brightness and contrast
- highlights way down, shadows up a little
- saturation overall to zero
- straighten the photo a little to place the cross upright
- crop the photo a little to place the cross a little to the right
- create a nice S-curve to spice up the black-white conversion
- retouch on the grass around the cross to clean up and leave no distractions
- lens correction on Chromatic Abberation
- lens correction on for distortion
- create a slight cream tone with the split tone setting and the whitebalance
- vignetting a lot
- highlite the first cross some more
i think i forgot something but you get my point