08-05-2012, 11:47
Forum Newbee
Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 6
hi thanks for the welcomes, wish i could speak dutch to get more involved as having to rely on google translate is terrible..
so, i managed to get hold of the valve cover i was after.. been waiting for ages and then 3 came up at once! ..still waiting for delivery, does anyone know if they fit on with the original nuts?
I designed some stickers to go on my speedo and rev counter, i like the look of them, not sure if i put the speedo needle back on correctly so might have to do it again on some sportline clocks i got hold off.. (pic wastaken before i moved needle to otherside of pin)
also refurbed my rear badges that will go on my de-badged tailgate..
and reproduced some period tax discs from my favourite tuner..