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Old 29-12-2010, 11:43
Pättritsch Pättritsch is offline
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Default Jetta MK2 Modelcar built

Hey guys...

wasn't on here for a longer time...

Maybe you are interested... I'm not just working on my real Jetta... at the moment I'm building a modelcar of it based on the Golf MK2 G60 from OTTO models from france... it is a limited resin model (just 1500) but that's not interesting for me, because I want to have my own Jetta as model...

All you see here is absolutly selfmade by me

Base was something like this (but without ATS Cup wheels):

And that's my project:

I cut away the back of the golf and molded a completely new one... also I cut away the big bumpers to make a new frontend for the smaller ones.

At the moment I'm finishing the last details like the rear lights (will be clear in the end for sure) and I'm building a Rallye Frontend...

And to show you what I plan to do... this is my real Jetta:

I'm planning to make an kit of this model so anyone who is interested could buy one... available with small or big bumpers, with the Heckblende or not, with Rallye Frontend oder Jetta Frontend...

Also I could build a copy of your own Jetta if you like... feel free to contact me if you are interested...
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