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krukab 20-04-2005 14:15

356 kitcar

Yess,please ... gimmy one ... complete with turbo engine and 18" rims !!

Big_Mac_Mark 20-04-2005 14:18

Not the real 356...:rolleyes:

krukab 20-04-2005 14:24

No,not a real one ...
I checked out a real one,two weeks ago ... boy,was that thing bad or what ??
Story was that it burned out,years and years ago,and left out in the open :frown:
There wasn't a single piece of bodywork/sheet metal that was straight or not rotten

Bussie komt zo 20-04-2005 14:43

very nice, real or not i don't give a damn

PerL 20-04-2005 16:59

I would be very happy to drive that replica! It's hawt!!!!!

Gert 20-04-2005 17:02

OMFG !!!!

Hot ? Ultra hot

Fiberfab or .. ?

1200jubi 23-09-2005 07:48

Kit-Cars - where to buy?

It would be interesting to make such a kit-car! Does anybody know, where I can get new kits for such kit-cars? It should be a CLOSED one - no cabrio.

yours 1200jubi

ploon 23-09-2005 08:58

from what i remember from a similar thread on another form about a year ago somebody made 356 hardtop replica's but they were very expencive you'd be better off bying a real one. so sales were low and they stopped making them

chrisjuh 23-09-2005 09:08

ONCE..........When the ship with money sails in...

FDL 23-09-2005 18:39

One that I know that still produces 356 replicas is Chamonix. They are really good cars, but not cheap...
Take a look at their site:


If I had enough money I would buy a 550 spyder.... small and DAMN fast car.... :rolleyes:

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