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VeeDubber 23-03-2011 12:04

9th & 10th of July - VolksDub 2011 ~ Well (NL)
VolksDub 2011 - 9th & 10th of July Well, The Netherlands

On July the 9th & 10th Volksdub will present you the finest selection of VAG-Related cars in Europe. With a party starting Saturday late in the afternoon, the weekend will kick off. On Sunday the actual meeting takes place with the VW Golf Rallye, Transporter T1 and VW Beetle in the spotlights. This year’s venue is held on a location just a few miles away from Weeze Airport (Germany) in the South-East of Holland. With a whopping 32
Acres at hand this show is one of the biggest in the Netherlands.

There is a free shuttle service from and to the Weeze Airport, book your cheap flight with http://www.ryanair.com/en
[img width=800 height=535]http://members.home.nl/pjm.claassen/bus250410.jpg[/img]

Your Shuttle service. :smiley:
want to use the service? Mail Peter : pjmclaassen@telfort.nl

What can you expect?
On Saturday the gates open for the people who are attending the party on Saturday night. They can pop up their tents & fold out their sleeping bags, as the crowd starts to grow. As the evening starts, our visitors can eat
and drink all they want, while the DJ drops his music. On Sunday the show will really take off with cars from all over Europe. The 2010 Event had a total visitor-count of 1100 people and 700 cars. With people coming from
Holland, Belgium, France, Romania, UK and Germany, this truly was an European Event. Among these 700 cars there were 22 Rallyes which were displayed on a separate meeting-ground, making this the biggest Rallye meeting in Europe. We also had a few special guests such as an original VWMS Group A Rallye, an original Limited Golf and the Tiki Madness, a Beetle dragracer. All of the above, plus a lot more can be expected from VolksDub 2011. There is lot’s to come and we still have a
few special tricks up on our sleeves.

More info
Keep an eye on our website:


At volksdub.com you can register yourself for the party on saturday and stay updated with all things concerning the event.

Some pics of last years event:

Pictures by Oliver Verheij & Gerk van der Wal

VeeDubber 10-04-2011 10:30

We're now also available via Facebook:

VolksDub Facebook Page

We like you to like us:)

baz8959 12-04-2011 22:39

I'm looking forward to this as it wil be my 1st time to this event :)

VeeDubber 13-04-2011 11:29

Where are you coming from?

baz8959 13-04-2011 12:57

Originally Posted by VeeDubber
Where are you coming from?

Manchester, England :)

VeeDubber 13-04-2011 15:37

Nice! got a big trip ahead of you, or are you flying?
Just the sunday or will you be joining us for the saturday aswell?

baz8959 13-04-2011 20:08

I'm use to big trip as we've drove to Worthersee the last 2 years and also again this year, been to MIVW for past 2 years and Club Charlies. We went to Club Polo in Asten last year for the 1st time and really enjoyed that so I'll be looking forward to driving over in my Mk4 Golf.

We'll be camping over, 3 people in total, so I just need to get the booking completed :)

VeeDubber 13-04-2011 20:55

Looking forward to having you guys over on our show! Spread the word in the UK and bring some more lads to the show!

HannoverEdition 13-04-2011 21:08

Originally Posted by baz8959
I'm use to big trip as we've drove to Worthersee the last 2 years and also again this year, been to MIVW for past 2 years and Club Charlies. We went to Club Polo in Asten last year for the 1st time and really enjoyed that so I'll be looking forward to driving over in my Mk4 Golf.

We'll be camping over, 3 people in total, so I just need to get the booking completed :)

Nice to read that there are coming 3 more ''VW Enthausiast'' from the UK,coming to the Volksdub Show this summer. :thumbup:
Maybe we meet each other over there,if so we drink a dutch beer over there ;) :cheers:

have a good trip,and take care
and as Hans said..... tell your ''VW Fanatic'' friends in the UK,and invite them also :cool:



baz8959 13-04-2011 21:14

I'm trying to get a few others to come with us ;)

macvwnut 14-04-2011 07:25

We came over last year and it was Great
This year we are coming over again with Rallye and some of the other guys from the club but making a weekend of it and going to camp

Hans and the team do a great job and we can not wait

Simon :thumbup:

sixpack 14-04-2011 07:34

Nice Simon ! :thumbup:

baz8959 15-04-2011 17:35

Originally Posted by HannoverEdition
Nice to read that there are coming 3 more ''VW Enthausiast'' from the UK,coming to the Volksdub Show this summer. :thumbup:
Maybe we meet each other over there,if so we drink a dutch beer over there ;) :cheers:

have a good trip,and take care
and as Hans said..... tell your ''VW Fanatic'' friends in the UK,and invite them also :cool:



I've just seen this reply and thankyou.

It would be good to meet you and have a few beers with you.

What time can we get on to the camping area as I'm trying to work out the best route and best time to set off from the UK to arrive nice and early on the Saturday?

HannoverEdition 15-04-2011 17:44

Originally Posted by baz8959
I've just seen this reply and thankyou.

It would be good to meet you and have a few beers with you.

What time can we get on to the camping area as I'm trying to work out the best route and best time to set off from the UK to arrive nice and early on the Saturday?

Haha doesn't matter that you just read my reply ;)

Drink some beers together with some nice VW's on a nice place like this meeting is always good :cheers: :D

I thought that the camping area will be open @ 13:00 on Saturday.
wich route you will take? do you know it allready.

and post some picture's of your car,so I (and other members) know how to recognize you.... :thumbup:

baz8959 15-04-2011 18:39

[QUOTE=HannoverEdition]Drink some beers together with some nice VW's on a nice place like this meeting is always good :cheers: :D QUOTE]

I'm gong to pinch this as my sig as its a great way to sum things up :D :thumbup: :cheers:

I'm undecided to come via the eurotunnel or via the ferry in to Rotterdam. The eurotunnel would need a very early start on saturday morning but the overnight ferry would be more relaxing. I'm also waiting on a couple of others to make their mind up to join us so that will also be a deciding factor in which way we come.

I'll get some photo's of the car up shortly ;)

VeeDubber 15-04-2011 19:04

Camping ground will open at 13.00h

baz8959 15-04-2011 19:09

thanks for the camping times.

I have put quite a few pics up in watercooled projects titled ''Barrie's Mk4 Golf''

VeeDubber 17-04-2011 11:43

Visit our Facebook-page to see the 2011 promo-vid!


We already have close to a hundred registered weekend-visitors. Be quick if you want to join us on the 9th of july!

teatylove 22-06-2011 10:59

hi i am new here,,

GerardMkIIVR6 22-06-2011 11:06


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