Grappige 'spam' emails
De meeste krijgen vast weleens een Spam- emailtje van viagra, of van iemand met zulk gebrekkig engels waarvan je je afvraagt of die persoon ze wel op een rijtje heeft. :screwy:
Vandaag kwam er een leuke binnen. :D :screwy: Quote:
Ben benieuwd wat julie weleens krijgen aan spam :thumbup: . |
Wat ik me dan weer afvraag, wat moeten ze met die informatie?
Zal zelf ook eens een paar leuke opzoeken :p |
echt grappig,
mijn baas heeft een autobedrijf. en kreeg eens een mailtje uit engeland van een man die een golf wou kopen. baas wat heen en weer mailen, en vragen of hij het geld wou storten. dat wou of kun die man niet. hij zou wel een check opsturen, en ja hoor 2 weken later 1 of ander vaag briefje met het bedrag erop. we vertrouwden het niet helemaal dus weer mailen, dat we het contant wouden hebben. was eerst wat moeilijk, maar de man zou wel langs komen. uit eindelijk niks meer gehoord :D |
juist... typisch geval: :screwy:
FedEx Courier Services,
Federal Business District, GP Plaza Block D, Ikoyi Lagos Nigeria. Dear Customer. We have been waiting for you to contact us for your Confirmed Package that was registered with us for shipping to your residential location in your country. We thought that the sender gave you our contact details and that you would have contacted us by now. We would also let you know that a letter is also attached to your package which the sender stated to this company that you should present it to the Bank with the Draft. However, we cannot quote its content to you via E-mail for security reasons. We understand that the content of your package itself is a Bank Draft worth $580,000.00 USD only; in FedEx we do not ship money in CASH or in CHEQUES but in Bank Drafts only. The package is registered with us for mailing by your colleague, and your colleague explained that he is from ( Austria ) but he is in Nigeria for a six (2)Weeks Project for he has an assignment with a Legal firm in Nigeria, West Africa. We are sending you this E-mail because your package is been registered on a Special Order. What you have to do now, is to contact our Delivery Department for the immediate dispatch of your package to your residential address in your country. Note that as soon as our Delivery Team confirms your information, it will only take us one working day (48 hours) for your package to arrive at its designated destination. For your information, the VAT & Shipping charges as well as Insurance fees have been paid by your colleague before your package was registered with us. Note that the payment that is made on the Insurance, Premium & Clearance Certificates, are to certify that the Bank Draft is not a Drug Affiliated Fund (DAF) neither is it funds to sponsor Terrorism in your country. This will help you avoid any form of query from the Monetary Authority of your country. However, you will have to pay a sum of $120 USD to the FedEx Delivery Department for the Security Keeping Fee of the FedEx Company as stated in our privacy terms & condition page. Also be informed that your colleague wished to pay for the Security Keeping charges, but we do not accept such payments considering the facts that all items & packages registered with us has a time limitation and we cannot accept payment not knowing when you will be picking up the package or even respond to us. So we cannot take the risk to have accepted such payment in case of any possible demur rage. Kindly note that your colleague did not leave us with any further information FULL NAMES: TELEPHONE: POSTAL ADDRESS (No P.O Box): CITY: STATE: COUNTRY: You are required to send the above details to our delivery department with their contact details below. Mr.Mike Okafor Dispatch Officer In Charge Tel:+2348097369357 As soon as your details have been received, our delivery team will give you the necessary payment procedure so that you can effect the payment for the Security Keeping Fees. As soon as they confirm your payment receipt of $120 USD. They will not hesitate to send you your payment receipt which you will present to our delivery agent. Note: that we were not instructed to email you, but due to the high priority of your package we had to inform you as your sender did not leave us with his phone number because he stated that he just arrived Nigeria and he has not gotten a phone yet. We personally sealed your Bank Draft and we found your Name and your email contact in the attached letter as the recipient of the foremost package. Ensure to contact the delivery department with the email address given below and ensure to fill the above form as well to enable a successful reconfirmation. Yours Faithfully, Mr. Fredrick Simon. FedEx Delivery Post Nigeria Delivery. ze proberen vanalles... |
Als het 11 miljoen bedraagd mag die zijn mailtjes wel wat beter opstellen :thumbup: Uw dan Je, zinsopbouwen die voor geen meter kloppen. pass-code ? postcode door de vertaal machine? :D |
dear customer.. Ze weten toch voor wie het pakketje is? six is ook echt 2 :screwy: het gaat om een bedrag van 580.000 dollar, en dan gebruikt de Officer van Fedex een Hotmail adres, juuuuuuuuist :rolleyes: |
Laat de spam maar komen, geweldig :D
Alsof ik voor deze toko wil gaan werken!
"Onderwerp: Supply Agent (Sweden Group) - 00194 Van: "Parker Mathews" <> Datum: Ma, 30 augustus, 2010 21:22 Aan: (meer) Hello sir/madam, Sweden Group is a Scandinavian group, well-known in the AU US and EU markets as a provider of various logistical services. We are currently offering part time positions in EU and UK . Currently we are looking for part-time employees( Payment Managers ) resident in EU and UK to work with us. The job of part-time Payment Department Agent does not need any special skills or knowledge in any specific areas. Your commitment to the job, readiness to make the job on time and with good quality, responsibility and honesty , accuracy are the basic recruitment criteria. Company liabilities: - We guarantee you sufficient money to be added to your main salary, provided you have a wish to work hard and to follow all our instructions on time. - We guarantee you 5% commission from each sale/resale operation we make! - 1000 EUR Bonus after 30-days of employment.If you work minimum of 7h per week. - We guarantee that you will earn money right from your virtual home office while working as an independent contractor with us. Our requirements include: - Availability of spare time (3-4 hours per day) - Ability to schedule working hours effectively - Proved ability to work independently - Good knowledge of Open Office - Home Computer with e-mail account and ability to check your e-mail box at least twice a day - Be of maturity age - No criminal records(your background will be verified) - Uphold a high level of integrity and ethics. To apply for this position, please send your short resume at e-mail : We will contact you ASAP (24-48 hours after we receive your resume) by e-mail to provide you more information Please note that only candidates under serious consideration will be contacted. Looking forward to cooperation with you, Best regards, Sebastian Loeb" |
Juist.. Als iets te mooi is om waar te zijn.....
Maar ik kan wel zeggen dat ik benaderd ben door Sebastian Loeb :D
Greeting from Hong Kong
An arab made a fixed deposit of $24,500.000.00 in my bank branch where am a director and he died with his entire family in the war leaving behind no next of kin,if you choose to stand as my deceased client's next of kin. if interested mail me at the address below: Yours Truly, Ming Yang. :cool: |
kreeg er zojuist weer een:
Dear customer, Dank u voor de bestelling, id: 652161. Uw creditcard wordt in rekening gebracht voor 1126 euro. Informatie over de bestelling en levering vinden op: == Tel./Fax.: +31 (20) 289 19 43. Dure creditcard :tongue: |
haha ja het zal een echt mailtje zijn, blijkt straks dat iemand jou creditcard gegevens heeft..... wat heb je besteld ?? :tongue:
Dat soort creditcard mailtjes van open hier uw factuur komen hier ook nog wel regelmatig binnen...
Ik heb niet eens een creditcard :D
Zoals het in de mail staat lijkt het net alsof de Creditcard zelf 1126 euro kost. En opening in het engels zonder naam. |
Deze is ook apart:
Hello Sales, Am interested in placing an order from your stores. Do you ship to Poway, CA 92064 ? Do you Accept Credit card as Method of payment ? Do you ship Via UPS or FEDEX ? do you accept ... Visa .. Master .. Amex ? so Kindly advise me back if all accepted.and give me your Website .ALON,INC kindly advise me back Tuurlijk, hij wil een order plaatsen in mijn webshop maar weet niet eens het webadres???? :screwy: |
Goeie morgen
Dank u voor de bestelling, uw creditcard in rekening gebracht voor 338 dollar. Voor meer informatie kunt u terecht op onze website: nl ============================ Best regards, ticket service. Tel./Fax.: +31 (20) 400 28 59 |
gisteren in de mailbox;
heeeeel geloofwaardig :rolleyes: |
@ 2H 2H ,
Hoe doe je dat? jouw creditcard is goedkoper! :D |
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