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andrewan 08-01-2010 09:50

Herbal tea Benefits
Hello Everyone.
It is very nice posting and there are many benefits of Herbal Tea.
Chamomile can make you sleepy. It is a nice, relaxing, evening tea. It is also a digestive, especially for nervous stomach.

Green tea the way the Asians drink it, is healthful. That is brewed with hot water, not boiling, steeped only about 3 minutes and drank without anything else in it.

Some good Herby teas to drink habitually are Rooibos (tastes a bit like Lipton's black tea but no caffeine & higher in antioxidants than green tea), Red Raspberry leaf tea (lots of minerals) and Nettles. Try mixing them up and adding just a pinch of mint.

Thanks for sharing.

a.busser 08-01-2010 10:01

HEY een nieuwe Donny!!

lekker hoor thee, maar doe mij toch maar koffie!

Vains 08-01-2010 10:05

Weer zo'n wereldverbeteraar, laatst was er toch ook zo eentje?
Thee is idd lekker maar om hier een topic over te gaan starten op een autoforum wtf :shake:

MONDY 08-01-2010 10:07

earl grey jammie :D

Split52 08-01-2010 10:11

Over Herbie beginnen op een vw forum is toch niet zo gek?

a.busser 08-01-2010 10:39

Herbie and the secrets of pick-wick?

Hennuh 08-01-2010 11:25

thanx for sharing :gay:

1982kameiX1 08-01-2010 11:28

Ban graag.

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