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Chromosexual 17-10-2009 06:05

Need a Dutch Translation Please :)
even without words this shit looks hillarious :D

Jel Golf 2 GTI 17-10-2009 06:54

Originally Posted by Chromosexual
even without words this shit looks hillarious :D

it isn't real.

It's from a program like monty phyton and stuf.

you know what i mean?

Manny people tought the guy really laught with those peole but they are all actors. :o) :thumbup:

I'm sorry for my bad english :D

breadfan83 17-10-2009 13:53

The guy laughing is a talkshowhost, the people with the funny voices have been to the hospital for a routine-operation, but left the hospital with those voices. So a medical screw up.

It's all fake though, like mentioned above. All the people are actors, and it's for some sort of a show.

Chromosexual 17-10-2009 14:13

hahahah ok thank you :)

bobby-digital 17-10-2009 15:47

never seen this clip, freakin' briliant:) mwoehaha

Jel Golf 2 GTI 18-10-2009 07:27


Subtitled version.

The program is called "in de gloria"

Grtz Jel. :thumbup:

Chromosexual 18-10-2009 12:26


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