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Tjaap 27-03-2008 22:25

Technoclassica 2008, Essen Germany
beautifull show.. massive amount of oldtimers, most of them for sale..

i mostly took pics of the VAG cars, but other people are uploading to the same album aswell,... today was the first day of this 5 day show, so check back later for more pics

ALBUM: http://www.volksforum.com/albu...c=120


add your pics if you have them :thumbup:

vw roadwarrior 09-05-2008 06:01

Photo's techno Classice Essen
Essen techno classica.
The biggist indoor oldtimer event in Europe.

It was huge!!Never saw so much classic cars with eachother..
Glad i made the trip to Germany..

Photo's say more then words,so here's an little impression.

More photo's on www.vwteampg.nl under(in Dutch)Pfoto's diversen and then Techno Classica Essen 27-03-08

Greets VWteamPg crew

phaeton 09-05-2008 10:59

Thanks guys fantastic shots :D

Chromosexual 12-05-2008 00:26

i love the rocco2 shell! :D

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