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Cilindrowsky 18-01-2008 18:43

Cilindrowsky - Slovenia
Hello, my name is Matej.
I'm from Slovenia, and I'm a big VW fan.
I have an 89` mk2 Golf GTI 16V (KR) it`s still work in progress.
I will post some photos a bit later.

Edition-Blue 18-01-2008 19:05

Welcome !

PerL 18-01-2008 20:07


Marcski 18-01-2008 20:12

nice nickname! :thumbup:

Tjaap 18-01-2008 20:24


corrado-usa 18-01-2008 20:44


Cilindrowsky 26-11-2009 14:03

After a long long time.....Im posting some pictures... :D
Well its still work in progress, more pictures will come soon I hope. :D

Some Audi S2 brakes, for proper stoping :D

KW v.2

Interior in progress(I have Recaro seats from G2 G60 Edition one)

I need new grille, this one is bent and twisted

S2 brakes on 15" alloy wheels

breadfan83 26-11-2009 16:47

Nice looking car!!

See you got an 8k rpm Digifiz as well... just been working on it with a fellow Volksforum member, but we couldn't get it to fit. Could you perhaps take some pics of the enginebay for me, with detail shots of the plugs of what goes where? Would really appraciate it! :hug:

Oh, and how many computers do you have? I've got three of 'em, but KR-engines normally have two, so I was wondering wether or not one of them is for de Digifiz, or if it's just a PL harness and computers...

koenty 04-12-2009 15:15

welcome :-)

Cilindrowsky 09-06-2011 15:09

after looooong looooong time its time to show picture of my gti.

more pictures will come soon, first I need new first bumper, this one is a bit damaged.....

Tjaap 22-07-2011 17:40

nice car!

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