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the machinist 23-10-2007 19:32

Finished My Bay
finished my bay a while ago the 1st pic is finished the 2nd pic is in progress...

sjampoo 23-10-2007 19:36


Tjaap 23-10-2007 19:52

wow, as clean as the rest of the car... love the flat brown on the valvecover

the machinist 23-10-2007 20:08

did u notice the mods on the cover!not many have even people with valvers

hajee 23-10-2007 20:22

love the color to!

vwleusden 23-10-2007 20:27

I have seen your car at Edition38 this year, love the look of the engine. You inspired me only i'm going to use other colors.

Tjaap 23-10-2007 20:29

wow, nope i didn't..... very nice.. i've seen 'm completely shaved but this has a much more stock look.... nice detail

Marcski 24-10-2007 10:00

simply awesome!! got any good pics of your brake-setup?

René 24-10-2007 14:27

Sweet like chocolate :cool:

Stijn 24-10-2007 16:29

Damn, that's nice! Some very original thinking in that.

Erik 24-10-2007 19:07

Loving it! That´s style ... :cool:

JeeWee 24-10-2007 19:14

Pff!!! That was a big job, but it looks awesome!!! Keep up the good work!!!

Pedaalemmer 24-10-2007 19:17

Sweet! Love your style!!!!

sikke aant 24-10-2007 19:43

DAMM, that`s verry clean :woowoo: :thumbup:

82dumptruck 06-05-2009 03:31

that is awesome :thumbup:

Chromosexual 07-05-2009 02:24

love all the custom work in that bay.
definitely the sickness there :thumbup:

carbreaker de autosloper 04-12-2010 21:28

nice bay ,colors ,skilss....and,,cnc machines do the trick,,,,,

DADDY 03-01-2011 02:21

:cool: Absolutely savage dude, so so sweet I love this engine bay. :cool:

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