Hmmzz.. Heb toch wel heel wat moois moeten missen zie ik al wel weer. Hopelijk een volgende keer er maar wel bij dan. :P
only viewed the photos, but nice work (y) |
yes... i like his videos and pictures too.. really awesome..
zeker, ben blij dat ik ondanks de twijfel toch de moeite had genomen om richting Friesland te komen.. |
dankje bedankt voor het compliment :thumbup: |
dit was ook wel een "killermachine" :D |
Wait till Roel (Apocalypsenever) from this forum is ready with his video Kevin..... :D this man can also make very awesome video's with nice muziek and awesome picture's from awesome VW's......whell awesome VW's where there enough on Frisian Edition I think.... :rolleyes: Roel was there to,to shoot some picture's and film material.......only thing he has to add is some good music....;) :D I Can hardly wait....... :cool: Do your best Roel,and thanks that you where on the Frisian Edition meeting last Sunday :thumbup: |
WAUW! bij mij met stip op nr 1 wat een schitterende foto Mark!! :eek: :wow: :thumbup: |
Erg mooi :cool:
ist was a really nice meeting. I made a few pictures, too. You can find them here (not the best) I think a Meeting with ALL Editions could be very nice, too. What do you think about this? Greetz from Germany |
that sounds nice... i keep on watching.. |
Filmpje van 2010 :thumbup:
http://youtu.be/LWaTk1oxGIU |
hi Madison.... the Film only works in Holland... Germany no way.. but i have seen it over other corners... cant wait of the film of 2011..
This is Apocalypsenever his work Kevin I can also hardly wait........ :cool: :thumbup: |
really nice vids... hands up for these nice guy...
Hi Taymos, Nice pictures i must say :thumbup: What do you understand about all Editions? And welcome to Volksforum.com? :D |
Bedankt Guido! :thumbup:
Tymos means with "all Editions"
* 10 Millionen * GT Special * Madison * Moda * Postgolf * Passadena etc... reg Kev |
Is die auto van jouw Guido ?? Dikke wagen :thumbup: |
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