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Gert 16-03-2005 17:02

Originally Posted by kruk@b
Please Gert,can you resize it a little because your picture is f*cking up this thread !! :mad:

@Skywalker/Bussie komt zo;you're welcome !!

Done Krukep

Only the ones who love this will comment on this .
Rest think its blasphemy and will react accordingly .
Same as with my Kemperink : the regular airheads ignore it completly .. says enough abt them :D
Jeff : mount a roofrack with some nostalgia shit on it and ur widely accepted again :D

volksfahrer.nl 16-03-2005 17:26

Originally Posted by Panelfantastic

What it looked like the day I got it home... humble beginings.

Seeing what you started with makes me feel even more sorry for this bus :(
But hey! It's your bus! Do whatever you want too!

Anyways; welcome here :biggrin:

Panelfantastic 16-03-2005 17:57

Ahhh Keverpech, my old nemisis! :biggrin:
Your comments are always welcome, it keeps the balance. We can agree to disagree and still love our buses! (although mine is a twisted kind of love :p )


volksfahrer.nl 16-03-2005 21:43

Good to see that there are no hard feelings :rolleyes:

vwspijlbus 17-03-2005 12:23

Here's one picture of my current bus,a 1967 SO42 westfalia,complete with 993/996 brakes,IRS,servo,AT gearbox,

Kruk@b: I'm looking forward to admire your bus in person on the bus meeting in Helden.

SplitBien 17-03-2005 12:39

I like the van very much, but i like the engine even more!! :D
Keep up the good work! More photo's please!!

Area51 15-10-2012 14:44

And for sale; http://www.vwkampers.com/classic-ca...%C2%A329995.htm

Tjaap 15-10-2012 15:05

Wow. Serious price. Nice bus though. Still after all these years.

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