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VeeDubber 18-02-2010 12:24

Originally Posted by Hotrodvw
What is it that you think is 'long'? It's no longer than most draw thru set ups.

The exhaust-gasses have to travel quite a distance to reach the turbo, combined with the big turbo it will take a while to get the turbo going.

sixpack 18-02-2010 12:27

This is such a great project ! Respect ! :cool:

loco-vr6 01-03-2010 16:52

Question about the turbo, is it allready carbon seald? or do you still have to modify the turbo to make it suitable for the draw thru setup? and if so, where do you get the parts for the modifications that are needed?

Great job by the way! looks sweet :D what's your aim??? ( hp & torque )


Hotrodvw 01-03-2010 17:26

It's already set up for the draw thru, as it was ordered with my specs. I didn't piece it together, so I can't tell you what/where, etc...sorry :(

Dunno on torque, I'd like to see over 200ft/lbs and 200hp at the wheels...... We'll see! :thumbup:

Hotrodvw 27-03-2010 03:50

It's done!


schweinhund 27-03-2010 06:07

Now how about some clips seeing it rolling or even better, accellerating :D

mverh85 10-04-2012 17:06

Oh, exciting to read true this I must say really nicely done on the turbo build.
Engine really sounds great on the clip :D

Hotrodvw 10-04-2012 17:13

Originally Posted by mverh85
Oh, exciting to read true this I must say really nicely done on the turbo build.
Engine really sounds great on the clip :D

Thank you! I had internal engine issues, sold the entire turbo set up, and rebuilt the long block, went IDA's. :eek:

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